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Elaine Stavert
Associate Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Kinesiologist, IridologistHypnotherapist
HomeoBotanical Therapist, Reiki Master, Buteyko Br
eathing, Soma-Psych Alignment® Therapist
OldPain2Go, Somasense®, HypnoIBS®, SIRPA Trained, Sunder Process


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Kinesiology comes from the Greek for motion.  It is the name given to muscle testing to establish energy blockages or breakdowns in the body.  Kinesiology works to free the energy / acupuncture meridians in order for energy to freely flow around the body.  


Kinesiology as we use it today was developed by Chiropractor George Goodheart in 1964 from osteopathic techniques in the 1920s.  Kinesiology means `study of movement`.  Working with Chinese medical theory and acupuncture meridians, Goodhart and colleagues discovered links between muscle response, meridian energy and related organs. They linked these with Chapman’s neurolymphatic massage points and Bennet’s neurovascular holding points. Further research identified nutrients which would support rebalancing of the various systems and foods which could affect these circuits in a negative way. Emotional associations which contributed or resulted in imbalance and structural distortions were also identified and corrected.

Each muscle is related to an associated acupuncture meridian.  Meridians are energetic pathways in the body which allow the flow of energy (qi) to circulate throughout the body.  There are 14 main meridians: 2 reservoir meridians which nourish the remaining 12 meridians are known as the central and governing meridians. The central meridian relates to the brain, and the governing meridian relates to the spine. They are followed by the stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium (aka circulation sex), triple warmer (or burner, related to the thyroid), gallbladder, liver, lung and large intestine meridians.  If I am doing a whole body balance, I will muscle test all 14 meridians and balance accordingly.


Kinesiology Muscle response testing give your body a “voice”.  When we test a muscle, it enables your body to tell me what your imbalances are and which meridians are out of balance or blocked.  The body does this by changing a muscle response.  Whenever we move an arm or a limb, there is a message from the brain, down the spinal cord, to the muscle, to tell it to move and contract, and then there is a message back again.


What has been found is that when you are performing this test that energy changes - anything that the body likes or doesn’t like such as a food, supplement, herb, flower essence, sound, thought, will reflect in a change of muscle response – a muscle “locking” or “unlocking”.  Kinesiology Muscle Response Testing enables us to identify what is going on in the body, what it likes or doesn’t like, what is the best way of resolving problems in the body, which is totally unique to you. 


I will ask you to lie down on the therapy couch and I will put your arms and legs in certain positions.  You simply match my gentle pressure – i.e., my hand won’t move, and your arm / leg won’t move, we will be matching each other’s pressure. 

I lightly touch areas on the body and if required gentle massage techniques on lymphatic reflex points, spinal reflex points, alarm points, acupuncture points, meridians, the jaw, head etc.  TEST, DETECT, BALANCE.

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When the triangle is equilateral, the person is in a state of optimal life-force and health, but no one really achieves this perfection as the body in its wonderfully adaptive way compensates and compromises in order to survive in this world of challenges.  These “compensations” are called “symptoms” in Western Medicine.

This is a good explanation of Kinesiology by the Kinesiology Association: -

Kinesiology supports the whole person on a journey back to wellness.  Kinesiologists use muscle response testing as a way of reading the energetic bio feedback system from your body. 

Each muscle we test is linked to a meridian (energy pathway), an organ and an emotion.  If a muscle tests strong or locked, we know that the body is in balance in that corresponding 'system'. If a muscle tests 'weak' or hypertonic (overly strong), this indicates an imbalance.


There may be physical, biochemical, emotional or electrical (energetic) imbalances. Often there are imbalances in all 4 realms.

Using specific tools and techniques such as; massaging neuro lymphatic points, holding neuro vascular points, running meridians to encourage the flow of energy, emotional stress release, nutritional support and electrical balancing, Kinesiologists work to bring the body back into balance.

Not only will you immediately feel different and more relaxed, your body will confirm through a strong muscle response that a natural balanced state has been restored.

Through muscle testing we communicate with the innate wisdom of the body and allow the subconscious to guide us to where you need the most support.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of choosing Kinesiology to support your health & wellbeing:

  • It's natural and promotes natural self-healing

  • It focuses on the whole person

  • It speaks the body’s language

  • It heals the root of the issue

  • It's non-invasive

  • It’s preventative

  • It's effective

  • It's holistic

  • It's simple

More information on Kinesiology can be found on the Kinesiology Association website 


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates

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