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Elaine Stavert
Wellness Detective & Balancer

Associate Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Kinesiologist, IridologistHypnotherapist
HomeoBotanical Therapist, Reiki Master, Buteyko Breathing, Soma-Psych Alignment® Therapist,
OldPain2Go, Somasense®, HypnoIBS®, SIRPA Trained, Sunder Process 


Meditations for Clients (each around 10 minutes)
Click on the title to download

Tropical Pool Meditation

This is a beautiful meditation taking you to a tropical island with a tropical pool where you bathe in the magical waters letting it wash away anything that needs to be cleared. A wonderfully relaxing meditation to help you feel cleansed, refreshed and restored.  I often use this in a Soma-Psych Alignment (SPA) session and clients can continue to listen to this when they are at home.

Body Scan Meditatioin

The body scan is a mindfulness-based intervention often used as part of a longer mindfulness stress reduction program. It can also be done as a stand alone practice and has many benefits, including deep relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved sleep and suppofts the mind-body connection.


Loving Kindness Meditation

The goal of this Loving Kindness Metta Meditation (LKM) is to cultivate kindness for all beings, including yourself, your family, neighbours, friends, acquaintances, difficult people in your life, animals, all creatures.  Metta means positive energy and kindness toward others.  Loving-kindness meditation is thought to have originated in ancient India and is known as a traditional Buddhist philosophy and practice.  Scientific research has shown that LKM enhances mental wellbeing enhances in many ways.


This is my version of a Loving Kindness Meditation, but you can switch the words to suit yourself such as "may I be loved", or "may I be protected", or "may I be healthy" and so on.  This can be used at any time and just for relaxation and calming.  If your Therapeutic Journalling becomes a little overwhelming, this meditation is particularly recommended daily or before journaling when doing the SIRPA (Stress Illness Recovery Programme) approach

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Disclaimer: The information available on this site is for educational purposes only.  Your own health care decisions should be made in partnership with your qualified healthcare provider and from your own research. The information on this website does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to replace a one to one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.

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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates

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