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Elaine Stavert
Wellbeing Detective & Balancer

Associate Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Kinesiologist, Iridologist, Hypnotherapist
Reiki Master, Buteyko Clinical Method Breathing Instructor, HomeoBotanical Therapist
Practitioner of KCR, OldPain2Go, Somasense®, HypnoIBS®, SIRPA
Trained, Sunder Process


Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy Services

Before booking your discovery call, please first read my About Consultations page which gives all details of what can be expected during a consultation and how I work.

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FREE 15 minute discovery phone call

Please email me on to schedule your chat


If your Discovery Call was more than 14 days ago, please contact me before purchasing to check my current availability

First Consultation In Clinic with Iridology Report

2 1/2 hrs (Adult)  £225

Naturopathic Nutrition & Lifestyle initial in depth, very comprehensive consultation.  This is a much longer, and more in depth consultation than most, and includes a personalised HomeoBotanical remedy to take home (value £20).  

You will receive a written Naturopathic Nutrition Plan, and a separate Iris Report, no longer than a week after your Consultation (usually just a day or two)

First Consultation Online  £165

As above except all online with no Homeobotanical Remedy, or Iridology Report

Online consultations are limited and for best results having a face to face consultation and muscle response testing and iridology is best.

Gold Package

In Clinic 1st Consultation + 2 Follow Ups (follow up online or clinic)  £375 *recommended *


First consultation (2.5hrs) exactly as above in clinicwith 2 x 1.5hr follow ups to be taken within 3 months (either in clinic or online) and booked at your first Consultation.  Follow ups do not include personalised remedies which can be purchased at £25 inc postage.  Please check availability with me before purchasing

Please purchase using a computer not mobile or tablet

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Follow Up Consultation (adult or child) - 1hr 15 mins  £85


Mixed modality depending on what you need.  Follow ups in clinic are 1 hour and include discussing the progress you have made with your health issues, diet and lifestyle changes and further Kinesiology Muscle Resistance Testing to identify further imbalances, emotional, physical, structural, heavy metals, allergies, atlas misalignment, scars, past injuries etc using corrective Kinesiology techniques. This could be a purely Buteyko Breathing training, OldPain2Go, or a 1hr Kinesiology session.   Or an 1hr online consultation discussing your progress, motivation and support, and next steps - OldPain2Go can also be done online..

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Kinesiology (stand alone session, does not require a Consultation) - 1hr  £75


Kinesiology Balance session which can include a 14 muscle / meridian balance for general health / MOT, Food Sensitivity Testing, Nutritional Deficiencies, Injury Recall, Cranial Faults, Atlas Correction, Temporomandibular Joint Corrections, Emotional Stress Release, Digestive Valve Corrections (ileocecal valve / Houston valves), Blood Chemistry, Endocrine Balance, Chakra & Aura Balance

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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis   £80

This can be an add on to follow ups to be discussed in the consultation, it is not a stand alone test

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Repeat Remedy Prescription £25 

This includes postage.  If you pick up your remedy at the clinic it will be just £20.

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Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) Bodywork  £65

45-50 minute session

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Child First Consultation   £95

1 to 1 1/2 hour - includes the same as an Adult consultation, but without the remedy bottle (which can be purchased separately if needed), with written plan, just a shorter session. 

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Email / Message Support   £15

For existing clients only. 

Quick email or messaging through my platform are included in appointment fees, however it if takes longer than 15 minutes to answer your question I charge £15 per 15 mins.  I will let you know beforehand of course, and if necessary I may recommend a follow up.

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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis + Follow up Consultation   £145

1 hour follow up, discussing the results of your Hair Tissue Mineral Test.  Also discussing how symptoms are improving, what changes have been made, what the challenges have been, and a more focussed approach with the information from the test results.  Allow 3 weeks for results of the hair mineral test.   See here for more information 

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Taster / Top Up Kinesiology Session   £30

Muscle testing for foods sensitivities, nutrients.  Checking for Chinese 5 Element, Acupuncture Meridian, Chakra, Aura imbalances.  TMJ, Atlas corrections (helpful for after dentistry).  Blood Chemistry balance.  Injury Recall (good for after surgery or for checking and balancing any energy disturbances from scars, tattoos, traumas to the body, ankle sprains, mammograms etc.  A good session for a quick check in.  This does not include a written plan.  Specific supplementation recommendations will only be made to existing clients).  I also offer these sessions at Mind, Body, Spirit Shows (click here to see which shows I am attending)

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates

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