Elaine Stavert
Wellness Detective & Balancer
Associate Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Kinesiologist, Iridologist, Hypnotherapist
Reiki Master, Buteyko Clinical Method Breathing Instructor, HomeoBotanical Therapist,
Practitioner of KCR, OldPain2Go, Somasense®, HypnoIBS®, SIRPA Trained, Sunder Process
Nat.Dip, NT. Dip, Cert BBM, API, HbT, amNNA, RAAHT, mFNTP, amKA, amSoN, AMACCPH
"Nature has provided us generously with everything we need to remain in good health"
- Father Sebastian Kneipp
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy
Searches for root causes of illness, rather than suppressing symptoms
Follows the principle "first do no harm"
Educates clients about self-healing, self-care and prevention
Takes into account each individual's unique phyical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors - to consider the WHOLE person
Personalised Lifestyle and Nutrition
The body never works against us, we just mis-interpret the signals
People with the following issues come to my clinic: -
Digestive disturbances
Food intolerances / sensitivities
Chronic pain - back, neck, shoulder, ankle, pelvis, hip, jaw, joint, muscle - musculoskeletal problems
Low mood, anxiety, phobias, fears
General apathy with life and lack of direction
Lack of energy / fatigue
Persistent headaches or migraines
Skin problems
Low immune system
Chronic long term health issues
Hormonal issues
Breathing / respiratory issues
Sleep problems
Feeling unwell where medical investigations have revealed no known cause
For good health and want to keep it that way
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates
© Gut Feelings